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*Upcoming Events 2025*

Happenings you shouldn't miss in the Months ahead.  

Montana, Las Vegas, NV and wherever else the Lord decides to send me.


Events In 2024




Sept 24


Stockton, California

Praise the Lord we fed about 90 homeless people my sister Elina Webb helped me serve the homeless it was beautiful.




​May 24


Jackson, Mississippi

It was a good trip the Lord blessed, I was able to pray for and feed many homeless people. 




Sept 18​


Las Vegas, Nevada

The Lord truly blessed we fed about 150 homeless people they were really thankful.




​May 23


Little Rock, Arkansas

The Lord truly blessed I prayed for and fed many homeless people.  Sweet people in Little Rock.




Apr 23


Fort Worth, TX

Sam's Club volunteered to help feed the homeless with Preacher On Wheels, we fed at least 400 homeless people at 1505 East Lancaster, Fort Worth, Texas.  I'm so thankful they did a great job.


Events In 2023




Oct 11


Fort Worth, TX and Sam's Club volunteered to help feed the homeless with Preacher On Wheels, we fed at least 400 homeless people at 1505 East Lancaster, Fort Worth, TX.


Aug 24


Dayton, Ohio

We fed 150 homeless people and prayed for many the Lord truly bless, there were many children that were homeless, much prayer is needed.


Aug 24


Covington, Kentucky

We fed and prayed for many homeless people; 2 accepted Christ into their lives as their Lord and Savior, this was worth the whole trip.  Praise God!!!


April 25

Fort Worth, Texas

Sam's Club and came to volunteer their time to feed the homeless in our community we fed about 400 hungry people it was a great experience to have Sam's Club and to show their support to Preacher On Wheels.



Fort Worth, TX

We feed the homeless in our own community every week  at 4:30pm on East Lancaster, we feed anywhere from 100-200 people.




Aug 23


Chicago, Illinois

We fed, clothe and prayed for about 50 homeless people; the Lord truly blessed many. 


Events In 2022


Oct. 19

Fort Worth, Texas

Sam's Club and came to volunteer their time to feed the homeless in our community we fed about 400 hungry people it was a great experience to have Sam's Club and to show their support to Preacher On Wheels.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

We fed and prayed for many homeless people, and one young boy got saved.


Sept. 14


Sept. 14

Madison, Wisconsin

We fed many homeless people, at this particle place God sent me to was mental ill homeless facility and God moved there mightily.


May 19

Minnesota, Minneapolis

We fed over 60 hungry people and prayed for many people especially young men that needed encouragement, God truly blessed.


May 18


May 17



Fed many homeless people prayed, encouraged and strengthen many to hold on and don't give up.

Des Moines, Iowa

St. Louis, Missouri

We fed 30 plus homeless people, we prayed and encouraged many  God truly blessed!

Fort Worth, TX

We feed the homeless in our own hometown every week 100-200 people.

Past Events 2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017, 2016, and 2015

Other States and places where we minister to St. Louis, Missouri, Des Moines, Iowa, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Madison, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Omaha, Nebraska, Waterloo, Iowa, Rapid City, South Dakota, Bismarck, North Dakota, Lake Tahoe, CA, Topeka, KS, Memphis, TN, Lewiston, ME, Brooklyn, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Stockton, CA, Oakland, CA, Eugene, OR, Cheyenne, WY, Seattle, WA, Colorado Springs, CO, Salt Lake City, UT, Oklahoma City, OK, Monroe, LA, Las Vegas, NV, Atlanta, GA, Occoquan, VA, Washington DC, Jacksonville, FL, Bogwalk, Jamaica and of course my own State

   Fort Worth, TX 

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt 22:36-40 KJV

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